Volume 18
Number 1
July 2015
Reminder to All Homeowners
As everyone should be aware the City of Los Angeles as well as most cities and counties in Southern California have restricted
watering in force. For Shadow Hills, this means that even numbered houses should be watering their landscaping on Sunday,
Tuesday, and Thursdays before 9:00am or after 4:00pm. Odd numbered houses should be watering their landscaping on Monday,
Wednesday, and Fridays with a maximum time allowed being 8 minutes per watering station. If you are one who is calendar-
date-challenged, then just look across the street and if your neighbors are watering their landscaping then you should not be
watering yours on the same day.
In case you haven’t seen the articles of late having to do with trees, suffice it to say that trees need watering deep down into their
roots especially during this dry season. Trees take years and years to grow and provide shade but you can lose them in one
drought year. Depending on the tree, of course, but a simple way to water them is to take your garden hose and place it at the
base of the tree and turn on the water to a trickle allowing the water to gradually seep into the earth and water the roots. If the
water puddles then it is turned on too much, so turn it down. Leave the hose in place overnight and do this every 4-6 weeks
depending on how hot and dry it has been.
Be sure to plan to attend this year’s block party in September. As always, the food, entertainment, and neighborhood friendship
are top notch. In case you are not aware, every homeowner is allowed and encouraged to bring guests. It’s a celebration of our
neighborhood and a great time to visit with new neighbors as well as some we hadn’t seen in quite a while. The actual date and
more details will be forthcoming.
It seems that many homeowners are not attentive to the stop signs in the HOA and may not realize the danger of rolling through
them. A STOP sign does mean that you must bring your vehicle/motorcycle/golf cart/bicycle to a full stop before proceeding
through the intersection. Equestrians, walkers, kids, and bikers all depend on YOU being a good neighbor and citizen for their
safety. Please pay closer attention to the STOP signs.
Speaking of good neighbors, we had a few neighbors who pitched in and helped clean up a parkway that didn’t belong to them
but which had become an eyesore in the neighborhood. Kudos to them for doing the cleanup and we hope the owners will keep
up with the maintenance. Carrot wood trees are messy but there is no getting around the cleanup when the tree begins to shed.
If your home does not have a horse trail in front of it then that area is called a parkway and it is the responsibility of the
homeowner to maintain it. In other words, if there are weeds or debris in that area then it is up to the homeowner to make sure
that it is kept clean and presentable. Although the city is supposed to keep any trees in the parkways trimmed, it will be a long
time before we see any activity in that area due to their budget cuts. Therefore, the responsibility of trimming the trees falls upon
the homeowners. There are many parkway trees that look more like bushes than trees. Please see that your trees are properly
trimmed. The HOA pays to maintain the horse trails but not the parkways.
Some of you may have noticed the recent graffiti at the front entrance, so it is essential that it be covered as soon as possible.
Thanks again to some volunteers, it was removed and/or painted over within a couple of days. Please stay vigilant when walking
or driving around the Estates. If you see something that’s not right then please notify a Board member immediately. Their phone
numbers are on the website.
If you did not receive an email copy of this newsletter then we do not have your email address on file. Most communication
from the Board goes out to the homeowners via email and a posting on our website. If you wish to receive these notices by email
then please send your email address to tnlbarth@ca.rr.com
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